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Career in Respiratory Therapy

What are Careers in Respiratory Therapy?
Respiratory therapists deal with a wide range of patients who have problems with breathing. A career in respiratory therapy involves speaking with patients, performing tests, and administering respiratory medications and physiotherapy. Respiratory therapists work in close conjunction with physicians, nurses, and respiratory technicians. Many of the daily duties of the respiratory therapist and the respiratory technician overlap. However those with career paths in respiratory therapy have more responsibility and find themselves in situations where they will be required to make independent decisions.

Where would you Work if you choose a Career in Respiratory Therapy?
Most careers in respiratory therapy are still centered in hospitals. With the move to more preventative medicine and home-based treatment, this is changing. While respiratory technicians work primarily in regular hospital wards, respiratory therapists may find themselves in critical care area such as intensive care, cardiology, neonatal, and emergency.

What is a Career in Respiratory Therapy Like?
The work of a respiratory therapist can be quite challenging physically and emotionally. You will spend long hours on your feet, moving patients and machines about. Practicing physiotherapy on patients in itself requires a great deal of physical strength. The hours involved in a career in respiratory therapy will typically require working shifts, evenings, weekends, holidays and occasionally to be on call. The work environment is among the best, surrounded by modern medical equipment and personnel.

If you choose a career in respiratory therapy, finding work should not be a problem as many hospitals report it difficult to find trained personnel. By searching the web or contacting local educators you will find many ways to pursue a career in respiratory.

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Medical Career Types:
Career in Alternative Health Care
Careers for Alternative Medicine
Careers for Anesthesiologist
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Careers in Cardiovascular Technology
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Career in Paramedics
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Careers in Physical Therapy
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Career as a Public Health Professional
Careers in Radiation Therapy
Careers in Radiology
Career as a Respitory Therapist
Careers in Sonography
Careers in Sports Medicine
Career as Ultrasound Technician
Career in X-ray Technology