Medical Careers Guide
Medical Career Guides:
Advanced Nursing Career
Alternative Medicine Careers
Anesthesiology Career
Cardiovascular Careers
Cardiovascular Tech Careers
Dental Assisting Careers
Dental Hygienist Careers
Dental Laboratory Technician Career
Diagnostic Sonography Careers
Diagnostic Ultrasound Career
Dietitian Careers
EKG Technician Careers
EMT Career
Fitness Career
Forensic Nursing Careers
Gerontology Careers
Health as a Career
Health Education Career
Health Information Tech Careers
Health Science as a Career
Health Care Career
Healthcare Management Career
Massage Therapist Career
Medical Administration Careers
Medical Assistant as a Career
Medical Assisting as a Career
Medical Biller Career
Medical Biller And Coder Careers
Medical Coder Career
Medical Engineering Careers
Medical Insurance Billing Careers
Medical Office Careers
Medical Technician Career
Medical Transcription Careers
Mental Health Therapy Careers
Natural Health as a Career
Nurse Careers
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Paramedic Career
Pediatric Nursing Careers
Pharmaceutical Careers
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Phlebotomy Careers
Physical Therapist Assisting Careers
Physical Therapy Careers
Physician Assistant Careers
Psychology as a Career
Public Health Career
Radiation Therapist Careers
Radiology Career
Registered Nurse Career
Respitory Therapy Careers
Sonographer Careers
Sports Medicine as a Career
Surgical Tech Careers
Veterinary Career
Vet Technician Careers
X-ray Tech Careers

Career in Medical Science

If you think about the advances made in the medical field over the last century, it may be easiest to divide those advances into three separate categories: Advances in medicine used to cure disease, advances in medical techniques and procedures, and advances in medical technology. This last category includes wonderful inventions such as the x-ray, the dialysis machine, and the CAT-scan.

These three different categories represent a really wide variety of knowledge. In the name of health, some doctors become experts using toxic radiation while others learn how to manipulate silicon. It is extraordinary how many subfields exist in the medical sciences.

A career in medical science would be stimulating for a wide variety of people. Chemists, computer programmers, surgeons, caretakers, and therapists all have careers in the medical sciences, but many haven completely different talents.

If you want a career in the medical sciences, you should first determine what area of medicine interests you. A few years of college may help you narrow down some choices. By taking some computer, engineering, life science, or psychology courses, you may be able to better determine your intellectual strengths, which in turn will help you devise a career strategy.

If you are good with computers or engineering, you may want to look at the biomedical field. A number of biomedical companies hire computer programmers and engineers to help design devices used to help the sick. If you like analyzing the mind, you may find that a career in the medical sciences leads you to psychology. Once you've found your interests, you'll be much closer to finding a fulfilling occupation.

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Medical Career Types:
Career in Alternative Health Care
Careers for Alternative Medicine
Careers for Anesthesiologist
Careers in Biomedical Technology
Careers in Cardiovascular Technology
Career in Dental Hygiene
Career in Health Administration
Career in Health and Wellness
Career in Healthcare
Careers in Healthcare Admin
Careers in Health Care Management
Careers in Medical Lab Technology
Career as a Medical Assistant
Careers in Medical Billing
Careers in Medical Coding
Career as a Medical Scientist
Careers in Medical Transcription
Career for Medicine
Career in Mental Health
Career in Natural Medicine
Career as a Nurse
Career in Nutrition
Career in Paramedics
Career as a Pharmacist
Careers in Physical Therapy
Career in Psychology
Career as a Public Health Professional
Careers in Radiation Therapy
Careers in Radiology
Career as a Respitory Therapist
Careers in Sonography
Careers in Sports Medicine
Career as Ultrasound Technician
Career in X-ray Technology