Medical Careers Guide
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Career in Pharmacy

Are you looking for a job in the healthcare industry? Do you want a career with a lot of responsibility? Are you intelligent, organized, and methodical? If so, you may want to think about a career in pharmacy.

Pharmacists create and dispense prescribed medications. This job necessitates a huge amount of responsibility, because a pharmacist has access to a number of very dangerous and potent drugs. Pharmacists work at health clinics, hospitals, and wherever pharmacies are located, such as department and grocery stores.

To become a pharmacist, you need to spend a number of years in school. As an undergraduate, you'll need to take a number of science courses including chemistry, biology, and anatomy. It's generally very difficult to be accepted to a post graduate pharmacy school. If you can get in, you'll spend a number of years learning how different chemicals affect the body and how certain chemicals react when blended with other chemicals. A good pharmacist will be able to tell whether two separate medications, when taken together, will create harmful side effects for the patient. The reward for this lengthy education process is a lucrative annual salary.

Those who want a career in pharmacy but don't want to spend all that time in school tend to become pharmaceutical technicians or laboratory technicians. Pharmaceutical technicians assist pharmacists in preparing and measuring medication for patients, but aren't qualified to disperse medication without a pharmacist present.

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Medical Career Types:
Career in Alternative Health Care
Careers for Alternative Medicine
Careers for Anesthesiologist
Careers in Biomedical Technology
Careers in Cardiovascular Technology
Career in Dental Hygiene
Career in Health Administration
Career in Health and Wellness
Career in Healthcare
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Careers in Medical Lab Technology
Career as a Medical Assistant
Careers in Medical Billing
Careers in Medical Coding
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Careers in Medical Transcription
Career for Medicine
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Career in Natural Medicine
Career as a Nurse
Career in Nutrition
Career in Paramedics
Career as a Pharmacist
Careers in Physical Therapy
Career in Psychology
Career as a Public Health Professional
Careers in Radiation Therapy
Careers in Radiology
Career as a Respitory Therapist
Careers in Sonography
Careers in Sports Medicine
Career as Ultrasound Technician
Career in X-ray Technology